At least 30 Indian end-users, national energy companies, international trading houses and portfolio majors actively trade shipments loading from the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, Africa and the US, according to Platts estimates.
This market diversity has created a dynamic spot trade with significant cargo churn and flexibility.
Platts has observed 5.59 million mt of tenders for spot deliveries issued for India, Dubai and Kuwait delivery for cargoes delivering between January–October 2020. This compares with 11.15 million mt of LNG tenders for JKTC delivery over the same period.
Since June 2018, Platts has published 320 bids, offers and trades, about 11.5% of all Market-on-Close (MOC) data, for MEI delivery.
Among these, 57.5% of bids, offer and trades were for delivery only to India, whereas 39.6% were for delivery to India, Dubai and Kuwait.
However, a few headwinds remain. The lingering effects of the coronavirus pandemic on LNG demand, as well as the existence of legacy term contracts with non-LNG pricing, could stunt the growth of an active spot market.