The number of investors who deliberately apply an ESG lens to investing is growing rapidly worldwide as more come to realize the risks of separating such issues from business fundamentals. S&P Global Ratings' ESG research, insight, and analysis help investors gain a better understanding of companies’ strategy, purpose, and management quality.
Ongoing To provide additional disclosure and transparency to the market, from Mid-November 2021, S&P Global Ratings started publishing ESG credit indicators for individual companies in the corporate and infrastructure, and insurance sectors; other asset classes will be covered during 2022. These indicators will initially be released through the ESG credit indicator report cards for the relevant sector. Subsequently, they will be incorporated and updated in S&P Global Ratings’ issuer- and issue-specific publications to complement the existing credit rating analysis and surveillance.
Ongoing Key sustainability factors identify the most material environmental and social risks assessed in S&P Global Ratings’ ESG Evaluations. Materiality of those risks are assessed across the industry’s value chain and are reflected in the weighting of environmental and social factors. In addition, the quantitative indicators used to assess a company’s performance relative to its industry peers on each of those factors are provided.
Monthly Delivers cross-sector, cross-region research on rating actions that have been influenced by environmental, social, and governance factors.
Monthly This newsletter provides key takeaways on the latest sustainable finance topics and events, summaries and updates on the latest ESG Evaluations, sustainable financing opinions, and green transaction evaluations.
Ongoing S&P Global Ratings provides its credit insights for the energy sector by looking at different energy subsectors, events, topics, countries, and regions through various publications.